Shaping the future of Finance

My Money,
My Control

We're a company that keeps your data safe, ensures your transactions are secure and compliant, and makes it easy for you to transfer money across borders, whether it's in traditional currency or digital forms.

Explore OPAM

The Opam Advantage

Whether you’re an individual or small business owner,  explore how we can help you experience quick, easy, secure, and convenient financial transactions to achieve your financial goals

Your All in One Payment Platform



Explore the convenience of bill payments, money transfer, and mobile recharge services to simplify your financial transactions


QPay Pro

Simplified payment solutions and seamless payroll transactions for fast growing businesses


Opam Token

Safe and seamless digital currency for global payments


Hash Flash

Experience instant and secure transfers across multiple services and platforms with the power of OPAM’s Distributed Ledger technology.



Discover a targeted solution for savings groups, cooperatives, and community based finance.

Comprehensive Solutions for Your Financial Needs

Enhanced Security

  • Multi-Tiered KYC/AML System
  • Distributed Ledger Technology
  • Advanced-Data Encryption
  • Regular Security Audits
  • Dedicated Security Team
  • 24/7 Transaction Monitoring

Instant Transaction Processing

  • Lightning-Fast Transactions
  • Global Network Coverage
  • Real-Time Transaction Tracking
  • 100% System Uptime
  • Seamless Wallet and Exchange Integration
  • Scalable Technology

Compliance & Transparency

  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Transparent Fee Structure
  • Regular Audits and Reporting
  • Comprehensive AML Integration
  • Continuous Audits and Reporting
  • Open Communication

Innovative Features

  • International Bank Linked Wallets
  • Virtual and Physical Cards
  • Scheduled Payments and Payment Requests
  • Multi-Currency Support
  • Automated Reminders and Personalizations
  • Interactive Financial Analytics

Valuable Resources to Guide You on Your Financial Journey

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